The green amphitheater opened near the Taganskaya metro station in Moscow

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  • The green amphitheater opened near the Taganskaya metro station in Moscow

The architectural bureau dot.bureau has developed a unique public space — a green amphitheater on Bolshye Kamenschiki Street in Moscow, within walking distance from the Taganskaya metro station. This space with an area of more than 1.1 thousand square meters has become a real oasis in the city center, where you can relax on one of 10 wooden benches surrounded by lawns and flower beds.

In the shade of the trees preserved thanks to the project, a free Wi-Fi zone is available, which allows you to both enjoy nature and work productively. The amphitheater is part of the P.A.N.G.A.E.A business center and symbolizes a new approach to integrating green areas into the urban environment.