The WALL and dot.bureau bureaus have developed architectural solutions for two buildings located in the Tagansky district of Moscow. Stroygazeta was informed about this by the press service of the fee- developer of the facilities – the BCL Real Estate company, specifying that the feature of the concepts was the integration of modern design trends into the entrance areas of the building of the “Soviet Bauhaus” style and historical buildings of the late nineteenth century.
In 2023, the fee developer completed the reconstruction of two sites of the N.A. Semashko Moschimpharmparaty pharmaceutical enterprise (global project P.A.N.G.A.E.A). One of them, located at 9C B. Kamenshchiki Street, has been transformed into a business center in the style of the “Soviet Bauhaus”. Built in 1978, the building has been modernized to meet the latest requirements and construction quality standards. As a result of the reconstruction, a single reception area has been created, recreation areas have been equipped and the number of entrance groups has been increased to seven. The total area of public premises was 738 square meters. meters.
The second site of the pharmaceutical giant, located on S. Radonezhsky str., 15-17c2, has become the object of redevelopment. There are more than 20 buildings on an area of 18 thousand square meters, most of which have already been reconstructed. One of the key elements of the project was the restoration of the building of the former Koehler factory, whose facades are an object of cultural heritage. A single reception area has been created for the convenience of tenants and visitors to the location. The total area of public premises is 580 sq. m. meters.
“The limited size of the land Bank inside the Third Transport Ring allows developers to take a fresh look at former industrial areas. Their liquidity is due to good transport accessibility and recognition, as well as the possibility of organizing additional points of attraction for the city – squares, public areas, terraces and cafes. In addition, it is an opportunity to create new attractions, art spaces and venues for cultural events, as well as new jobs,” said Mikhail Lomtadze, CEO of BKL Real Estate.
Qualitative changes have also occurred in the adjacent territory of the clusters. So, a square has been created near the office center at B. Kamenshiki, 9. In a public space with an area of 1142 square meters, large-sized trees have been preserved, shrubs have been planted, wooden benches with the possibility of working in the summer, wi-fi have been installed, walking paths have been designed.
Landscaping of the art quarter on Radonezhsky Street continues. An internal garden with maples has already been organized here, and partial mobile landscaping of the space has been prepared – flowerpots and tubs with plants.
Authors: SG-Online